Whiner of the Week, Whiner of the Year, Ken OkelIt?s been a competitive year for the Whiner of the Week. That made it extra challenging to select 2012?s Whiner of the Year.

The goal is to pick the Whiner of the Week recipient that is an ongoing source of outrage and disgust. Some, like the TSA made a strong push for the title when employees developed stick fingers around your baggage.

We’ve got the guy who’s suing popcorn makers because he claims to have developed a serious illness from inhaling artificial butter.

We tried not to judge too hard when we learned of the the Texas judge who said that civil war would break out if President Obama was reelected.

Politics is a fertile ground for whiners as one city tried to ban cursing.

Who could forget that NBC?s Today Show decided that it was better to interview a member of the Kardashian family, rather than cover a live moment of silence honoring the victims of the September 11th attacks.

In honor of the Olympics, we saw a rise in the sport of crotch punching.

Fast food took its slice of the spotlight as a Burger King employee thought it would be cool to photograph himself standing in bins of lettuce.

Addidas thought a shoe with a mock shackle would make the perfect accessory.

But in the end our judges could only come up with one winner or whiner. It is a shared pie-in-the-face as two organizations made the same mistake.

Health Care Ruling, CNN, Fox News, Ken Okel, Whiner of the Week, got it wrong poor journalism, reported health care struck downWhile they may not agree on much, Fox News and CNN both are Whiners of the Year.

You may remember in July that CNN and Fox News both blew it when it came to accurately reporting the Supreme Court?s ruling on the health care law. The highest court in the land upheld the law. Fox and CNN both reported that the mandate was struck down.

How could this happen? It’s easy to miss a fact or two when you don’t read the 59 page decision, instead choosing to broadcast what you think the highest court in the land was going to rule.

Any teacher knows you can?t expect to write an accurate book report if you only read the first chapter. You don?t see sportscasters announcing the winner of the Super Bowl in the first quarter. The same should apply to news organizations.

Both networks had a chance to make sure that it understood the ruling on this highly contentious issue. And yet, they blew it. This was a dance of incompetence and stupidity that could not be ignored.

So congratulations go out to CNN and Fox News. You both reached a new low… we were watching… and we won’t let you forget.