How to Show Courtesy in the Workplace, Ken Okel, Funny Keynote speaker FloridaDo your employees know how to show courtesy in the workplace? With more people working from home, those skills may have gotten a little rusty. Plus, your newer employees may have never had to showcase this value.

Courtesy is one of those things that can have a big impact on a business culture, especially when it comes to smoothing over problems. Take for instance, lateness.

Recently, on LinkedIn, I asked my followers, “What’s your attitude toward lateness in the professional world?” 66% of the respondents said, “Tell me you’re running late.”

It sounds like people are okay with lateness but want to know it’s happening. And in a world where smartphones make it easy to communicate, it’s easy to see why people have that expectation. It shows consideration for others.

While your workplace is undoubtedly fast-paced and full of demands, you still want people to show courtesy in the workplace. Here are some common ways to share this professional respect.

Active Listening

When talking to someone, practice active listening, by giving your full attention, maintain eye contact, and avoid interrupting. You’ll show respect and encourage open communication.

Find Ways to Be Helpful

You don’t have to do someone’s job but are there moments when you can make their life easier? From sharing an idea to holding a door open for someone, who has their hands full, there are lots of simple ways to make a difference.

Keep in mind that good deeds tend to be reciprocated.

Recognize Contributions and Good Fortune

If a colleague has done something well, then recognize and applaud it. People like to know their hard work is appreciated.

Gratitude and Appreciation

Show gratitude when others go out of their way to help you. A simple thank you note or a few kind words can help show courtesy in the workplace.

A Clean Workspace

Especially in shared spaces, make sure you’re not leaving a mess for someone else. Taking a moment to tidy up will be greatly appreciated.

On the other hand, if you promote a culture of a mess, then don’t be surprised if that attitude spreads throughout your organization.

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