How to be a better boss, Ken Okel, Professional Speaker in Orlando Miami FloridaIf you want to learn how to be a better boss, then you need to seek out new perspectives. It’s a good leadership skill that allows you to connect more with the members of your team.

Often, an investment of just a few minutes will allow you to discover problems. Sometimes these are costly problems some believed could never be solved.

In this episode of our Productivity Edge series, you’ll learn how to be a better boss and a more effective communicator by considering different perspectives.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • How can I be a better boss?
  • What are leadership skills for managers?
  • How to communicate effectively at work?
  • How to discover problems at work?
  • How to improve employee engagement.

Video Transcript

When it comes to productivity, some of you see your team with one eye covered. Your perspective needs some help.

As a leader, your perspective of your team may not always represent reality and sometimes it’s good to get their perspective on things.

Think of it like this. Let’s say one day you took a different route to work. You drove in a different way. You would see different things. You might learn there’s a better way to go. Or you might just know, hey, it’s not as fast, it’s not not better but at least I know it.

Here’s a couple of areas, where a change in perspective could be very useful. Look at your team. Do they seem to be constantly busy and running around, kind of anxious all the time?

Well are they busy because their working on all the important stuff? Or are they taking part in processes that just take too long and might be better if they were automated or given to someone else?

This is an important conversation to have because you want your team focused on those big picture goals. Things that make you sleep better at night.

Conversation gives you a great opportunity to talk to your team members and see how well they’re performing. Ask what they like best about their jobs, what’s the most challenging thing about the job.

Now I didn’t say what do they like the least about their jobs because they can be things you can’t change, like how far it takes to walk from the parking lot to the front door. Nothing you can do about that.

But if you find out that someone says, “Oh man I have to spend half an hour writing of this report and walking into the other side of the building and it’s very inefficient…”

Well, this is your opportunity to see if you can streamline the process to make it better. But you don’t get that perspective if you stay isolated and just rely on everything that you know being all that you need to know.

About this Productivity Series

Ken Okel’s Productivity Edge video series is designed to make you more effective on the job and how to be a better boss. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to understand tip that you can use right away.

Got a productivity problem? Let us know and we’ll feature it in an upcoming episode.

About Ken Okel

Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit:

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