Easy listening tip, Ken Okel, Motivational Speaker Orlando Miami FloridaAn easy listening tip can make you more effective at your job, as well as reduce mistakes and misunderstandings. For some, this career advice will present a tough challenge because you’ll have to break a common habit.

In this week’s video, in our ongoing series, you’ll learn how to improve your listening skills. Try it for a month and I’m sure you’ll find the practice worth continuing.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • What is an easy listening tip?
  • How can I become a better listener?
  • How can I prevent mistakes and misunderstandings at work?
  • What can I do to improve my career?

Video Transcript for Easy Listening Tip

Ready to learn a simple communication tip that can have a big impact on your career?  At work, when you’re talking to someone, are you really invested in the conversation? Or are you waiting for the other person to stop talking so you can make your point?

Now, I understand the information that you have, I’m sure it’s very valuable but maybe should you be paying a little more attention to the other person, giving them the gift of your attention, the gift of your focus.

Because sometimes when you’re just getting ready to say what you want to say, you stop listening to the other person and you miss stuff.

These can be mistakes, misunderstandings, or you may just turn off the other person because they don’t think you’re listening to them.

So spend a little more time listening to the person. Hold onto your thought but make sure you consider everything that the other person is saying. This is an easy way, an easy communication strategy that can really help your career. Give it a try.

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About Ken Okel

As a motivational speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit his video page.